Nestlé chooses Workplace to deliver digital transformation for 210k employees

The world's largest food and beverage company is deploying Workplace to 210,000 employees worldwide in 2019.


Connecting people with Workplace

How do you drive innovation in a business that owns over 2,000 brands, employs over 200,000 people, and can look back across a century and a half of history?

That was the challenge facing Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company. But for all its scale and complexity, the answer is surprisingly simple: you connect people.

Because when people are connected, business gets better. Information speeds up. Barriers break down. New ideas flower and spread. Individuals become teams. Companies become communities.

Untangle work with Workplace

From informing everyone about the return to the office to adopting a hybrid way of working, Workplace makes work more simple.

Nothing gets people connected like Workplace. That's why Nestlé has chosen Workplace as its internal communication tool to empower 210,000 employees worldwide.

As Nestlé Executive Vice President Chris Johnson explains: “Nestlé is a people-first environment. We rely on our talented teams to manage more than 2,000 brands worldwide. We help our employees develop and we give them the right tools, so Workplace is a perfect fit.”

"Nestlé is a people-first environment. We help our employees develop and we give them the right tools, so Workplace is a perfect fit."

- Chris Johnson, Executive Vice President, Nestlé

The process began nine months ago with a first wave of adoption in Mexico, Brazil, the Middle East, and South Africa. The impact was immediate, with 25 times higher engagement per post and very high rates of mobile adoption. Managers are using Workplace to connect directly with employees at different locations, while sales teams use it for daily check-ins and to share information and best practices.

Filippo Catalano, Chief Information Officer at Nestlé, commented: “Today, using Workplace by Facebook we are able to give our employees across the globe a platform to build connections, enabling faster and more engaging sharing of information.”

"Using Workplace by Facebook we are able to give our employees across the globe a platform to build connections."

- Filippo Catalano, CIO, Nestlé

With Workplace, Nestlé gains an instantly familiar, mobile-first platform that will work alongside its current, best-of-breed IT investments and integrate directly with over 50 popular apps. Thanks to world-class security, including a new ISO 27018 certification and single sign-on integration with Okta, Workplace can be deployed wall-to-wall across large enterprises with speed and confidence.

Julien Codorniou, Vice President of Workplace by Facebook said, “As the global work landscape continues to change and the demand for better collaboration, best-of-breed IT and mobile-first work increases, we are honoured to partner with a company like Nestlé to help employees work together to allow for limitless innovation.”

While a majority of users are already up and running, the wall-to-wall rollout will continue throughout 2019. We can't wait to see how Nestlé continues to feel the Workplace effect.

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